Ball making machine

Amber Ball Production Machine


    Код товара: 5667

Machine is designed for manufacturing calibrated balls from various materials (glass, ceramics, natural stones, artificial stones, amber) with the help of a profile circle.

– Kulikka for making balls from amber for their calibration
– Adjustment of roller speed.
– Belt drive.
– Engine: 0.55kV, 230V 50Hz, 3000 rpm.
– Works on the principle of Avalon and Roger.

Weight 27 kg

Match the circles of Inter Diamond

Link to the cart:

In stock (can be backordered)


Cultivar for processing amber

The form of the raw material should be close to the ball with a maximum increment of up to 10% of the nominal size.
Advantages of the machine are: quiet operation, good resistance to corrosion, precisely manufactured working elements with the possibility of adjusting the gaps, as well as the versatility of the device.

Video review of the work of the cart:

Additional information

Weight 27 kg

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